Saturday, November 3, 2012

21 Days of Unfinished Projects- Day 3: Master Closet

I have a tendency to want to do projects around the house that are most important to me, go figure! But lately I have been trying to work on things that will benefit the other people in my family as well. One particular area my husband has really been wanting to change is our closet. My hero is not a small guy, but he was shoved back into the most narrow end of the closet. I took the day to pull everything out, sorted all of my clothes (any woman knows, you don't dare donate your husbands favorite 10 year old t-shirt) and rearranged a bit. Now I would love to knock out all of the existing shelves and do a 100% custom build but that is not in my expertise or budget! For now, this will do.

Before: Hubby's cave... no wonder he felt claustrophobic in there!

Before: I hate that this is so messy, but I am trying to keep it real! Shoes everywhere, bags of clothes that no longer fit on the floor and random junk on the top shelf. Not my proudest moment!

Before: Crisscrossing shelves and rods made for a very dysfunctional space. Oh and the mismatched hangers, chaos!

After: I took the far end of the closet, it isn't bad at all. I shopped the house for supplies. I love these felt hangers from Home Goods, they are very sleek and grip the clothing nicely so things aren't falling all over the floor ( I know my side looks a little sparse by girl standards but I am between maternity clothes and my normal size, so I am trying to make do with what I have.

After: Matt has room to breathe now! I took the hanging rods from the kids old shared closet (which was a bust if you forgot).

After: His work side. The shoe shelf is also from the shared closet.

After: I got this book shelf from the old play room. I made myself give away any shoes that didn't fit... but I have since gotten a pair of rain boots and new tennis shoes. If I keep my rain boots in the garage, I think I may be able to fit the tennis shoes in there somewhere. A tip for holding your boots up straight, roll a thick magazine up and stick them in the shoe. No more creased ankle I know this is a very large number of heels for a SAHM, but in my defense, my husband bought 90% of these without me even being there (great taste huh?). Have I mentioned how much I love him??
This was another project well worth the time it took to put together!

With the new season starting, are you ready to purge old items and make way for new stuff?

1 comment:

Fonda said...

Great looking closet. I need to sort mine again. The change of season has it a little hectic!