Monday, January 26, 2009

A swift kick in the pants

Lately Brooke's tantrums have been getting bigger and more often, in a desperate attempt to fix this before it gets any worse I went on a christian parenting web site. It is hard for me to determine the right disciplinary action for her because she is only 15 months old. Am I expecting her to know more than she is capable of knowing at this age? I just wanted a little guidance on what is appropriate. Low and behold in the very first paragraph of the article they say to determine the reason for the fussing, maybe they are tired or hungry... or BORED. As much as I feel like a bad parent for admitting it, boredom is probably Brooke's number one reason for acting out. I have to make more of an effort to do things with her and keep her entertained. It is far too easy to turn on Noggin and put toys in front of her. My goal in the next 4 weeks before Maddux gets here is to find fun things we can do together and put them into practice. Hopefully this will help some with the whining (from both of us)!
In other news, we had our first sleep over on Saturday night. Davin spent the night to give Meagan and Derrick a night off. We got home from Ms Robins birthday party pretty late so the kiddos went right to sleep. We woke up bright and early to make pancakes. Then the little ones took a bath and played house until Derrick came to pick Davin up. I must admit, after that I totally crashed! I guess I got a small taste of what it will be like with 2 around here. I tried to get some good pics but I can never get both of them in the same frame, here they are playing with sunglasses.

They are both such hams in front of the camera!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What a B-E-A-U-tiful morning!

Today is the most beautiful day! Although we have crazy weather here in Houston, snowing one day and wearing shorts the next, days like today are the reason I can't see myself living anywhere else. Matt did some yard work while Brooke and I played ball and drove her 4-wheeler. She just loves being outside, picking blades of grass or crushing flowers to see the petals fall off. I thought I might post a few pics while Missy Prissy is down for a nap.

Thank you Lord for beautiful days like today!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a great day!

Today Matt, Brooke and I spent the entire day together. One very nice thing about Matt having off on Tuesdays is that we can go to the mall without the crowds... it is much more enjoyable that way, especially when your little one hates the stroller! We had lunch at Chick-fil-a and walked around the mall, I spent the last of my Christmas gift cards on some post pregnancy clothing. It was nice to shop for normal clothes, though I could only get tops because I have no clue what size jeans to get. Then we went to a doctors appointment, the babies heartbeat is nice and strong and we can expect him to be here at any time. Brooke thought it was funny when they put the jelly on my stomach to check the heartbeat. Then we made a quick trip to Wally World... another place that is a lot less crowded during the week. Brooke was so good, even though she missed her afternoon nap, I was so proud.

In other news, Barak Obama was sworn into office today. I didn't vote for him in November but I really hope he does well and that he can help get the country back on track economically. We will see how the next four years go.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My New Years Resolution

I have spent the past 18 days trying to figure out what my resolution for 2009 would be... there is the obvious 'get into shape' resolution that so many people make, but I am still pregnant so I think I will just make it a goal later on. I also thought about making one to keep my house in better shape, anyone with a curious toddler knows that it is a constant battle never to be completely won. Then I read my mom's blog about noticing all of the wonderful things God has done in our life, it is then that I realized what my resolution would be... drum roll please!

I resolve, for the year of 2009 and beyond, to look for the joy in my life everyday and not sweat the small stuff.

So why start a blog of my own? To hold myself accountable, put down in words everything that is great in my life and recognize how God turns trials into opportunities for growth. As my children grow I want to look at them everyday and appreciate the new skills they are developing. I don't want to take these fleeting moments of childhood for granted. It has been a year and three months since Brookie Bear was born and I feel like in the blink of an eye her infant stage was over. Matthew and I were just talking today about how when we found out we were pregnant again she was barely rolling around and scooting inch by inch, now she is walking and talking (some words can even be understood by other people!) I am sure it sounds like such a simple task, but with all the hassles in life it seems way too easy to let them take control and consume you... I want my children to look back on life and remember a happy mom, not one that is always stressed out.
Of course I have to add a picture of my cutie patootie, Brooke. This was Christmas Day, she was giving her new dolly a kiss. I know she is going to be a great big sister. Just having her and Matt in my life are my number one joy. I am so thankful for my little family.