Monday, September 14, 2009

First Sentence

Brooke said her first sentence complete sentence today... I was upstairs changing Maddux's diaper and she called from the bottom of the steps for me to come down. I told her I couldn't come down right then and to go play with her daddy. She responded with a big "NO", I asked "Why not?". At this point she was half way up the stairs and clearly not happy, " because daddy said bad girl to me." Hahahahaha I could have died from laughter. I called to Matt and asked him why he called her a bad girl and he had no clue what I was talking about. We usually only use the terms "good girl, bad girl" when we are trying to explain why she is in time out. Any way, this is one for the books so I thought I would share it with you all. As of today she also has a new favorite word, people. She has started to point at everything and ask "what's that?" so when her daddy replied "people" to a picture in a book she was hooked. I am not sure she knows how to use it because when we were driving home from Wal Mart today she kept saying it and there were no "people" around. Everyone important in her life has a name and the ones she doesn't know are boys and girls. When we tell her I am a girl and Matt is a boy she says "No, mommy and daddy". How we all have names, be boys or girls and be people?? So confusing for such a small child. She is just now understanding that Bubbah and Maddux are one and the same.

Brooke was a very lovely flower girl this weekend. She didn't throw the petals but she was soaking up the spot light. We definitely have a little diva on our hands! I will see if I can get some pictures, I forgot my camera in the rush of all that had to be done Saturday.

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